Saturday, October 6, 2012

Persevere with Patience

Patience and perseverance are two things that are in full demand all the time. Without giving it our full attention or any real thought these things can and do fly under the radar quite unnoticed at times. Today, I was given the opportunity to reflect on these things.

The concept of patience is most interesting because it has one application (applied to ourselves) but results in many forms of character, response, learning, teaching, success, failure (lack of), etc... Currently, I see that at its most basic level is self-denial or as scripture puts it "dying to self". I believe the requirement here is two fold. The first is easy, knowing our will or what we want. The second is knowing God's will not only for our lives or situation but as well for what will bring about the best response - that which will honor him (Don’t be impatient for the Lord to act! Travel steadily along his path... Ps 37:34).

Within the confines of these choices is the stickiness that creates the dependence on God needed to display this patience. That stickiness is called trust. Do I trust, at my core, that his will is better than my own? Do I trust that any discomfort, disagreement or change in my path will ultimately bring about the "...righteous life that God desires" (James 1:20). Do I trust that what the Bible says is true? How about this one... Do I trust that there is a God (pause)... and this God is intimately interested in who I am, even with my faults and short comings, questions and unbelief? That this supposed God is orchestrating every circumstance in my life to bring me into closer relationship with him and the people around me. Its kind of funny if you think about it... that such small details can have such a large effect. However, if we have yet to take the time to consider these things, when it comes time to act, from what perspective will we make the decisions from? What is our basis or foundation?

All this stems from an episode today with my girls (Nina and Eva). At the time I was cooking dinner (White Bean Chorizo Chili... ummmm), when I hear Eva, 2, scream "No Nina, no! Stop scaring me!" as she runs into the kitchen to fall flat on her belly. Now, this being the second or third time I've asked Nina to stop attempting to scare her little sister and chasing her around, I quietly responded with two words - "Stop...Please..." Eva got up and we dusted her off and they went back to play in the living room. I sat down on the stool in the kitchen and reflected on that moment for a minute. Mainly because I was tired of having to repeat the same thing over again to them both about not playing in the kitchen or running through the apartment. As I sat there, things got really still for a moment and I thought "wow, this is what God has to go through but multiplied by infinity, I'm just dealing with two little ones". In that moment I realized that even though my response wasn't harsh or demeaning, that there was definitely a change in my attitude about the situation. Inwardly, I was upset and impatient. Mainly because I wasn't getting "my way". They were not listening to me and my directions to stop running, scaring, or screaming, etc. I felt as though I was not being heard. Even when I said "Stop... Please..." that was met with just an "ok" and that was it... which added to how I felt. I seemed somehow invisible in that moment and since it had already passed there was nothing that I could do to regain what I wanted to express and have adhered to.

Well, to start, I know that feelings are rarely an indicator of truth. Feelings come and go, even the repeated ones that continually arise, while they deserve discussion and insight, and may go delve into some core issues, sometimes they are just feelings and reactions to the above stated.

In any case, this yielded my "but God" moment for the day....

In my micro-revelation, I saw that what was causing my frustration really had nothing to do with them. I was holding on to what I wanted them to do, despite them (key words: I wanted and despite them). Yes, not taking into account that they are just to kids trying to have fun on a Saturday while in the house. That they are still in process (as we all are) and even with the listening, or lack there-of, is the aspect of comprehension and understanding. How many times have we read something multiple times to gain understanding? Be it an article in the Times, a recipe, a book on this or that, whatever the case. To gain, grow and learn in these areas the will be required repetition, practice, diligence, devotion and discipline. And here it is, but God, in his infinite wisdom, as opposed to our finite as-far-as the eye can see perspectives, provided the lesson that Colossians 1:10-12 speaks of:
10 And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, 11 being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully 12 giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified youd to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light.
With this in mind, I have to put myself in check, not just with my girls but across the board of my life. Its easy to loose patience, make a rash decision or toss out a heated comment or reaction because something is not going my way... trust me its very easy to do so. But what type of fruit does that bare? What, or even worst, who is left in the aftermath if I am focused on myself in these areas and not only can't see the forest from the trees but really have no desire to! In this case, it may have been two beautiful little girls.

The focus then is to SEEK to please the Lord in every way. How? By bearing fruit in every good work AND growing in his word (study) so that it will make us stronger and provide the power we need through him (the word and the Holy Spirit dwelling in us) so that we MAY HAVE (if we do these things) great endurance and patience (in order to be) joyfully giving thanks to the Father who qualified you (because you have done and are walking in the above endurance and patience) to share in the inheritance (blessing present and future)...

It will be to our advantage to take on this view that scripture speaks towards. Having the ability to persevere with patience does and will produce good fruit in every work. 

Oh and one additional note, with this Good Fruit our desire may be choicest of grapes from the vines of Spain (which is most definitely Good Fruit), but the Lord may say we really need sun-ripened Mangos from South America. The objective then comes back to trust. 

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